Webtrees Genealogy Database

Factual information, such as dates and relationships, is stored in an open-source genealogy database called Webtrees.  Webtrees generates nice charts such as relationships and descendants.

This genealogy database is GEDCOM compliant, allowing you to import and export standard GEDCOM files.  It is the perfect structural complement to the free-form narratives provided by the FindFollow website.


A separate registration and login is required for this database.

Access the Webtrees database using the “Private Sites” drop-down menu above.  The direct web address is: http://webtrees.findfollow.com


The image below is an example of a family relationship chart that was created using Webtrees. (The image is intentionally blurred for privacy.)

Webtrees Genealogy Database

Contact us to learn more.

March 15th, 2013 Posted by Jon Jaroker Filed in: Features